Friday, May 13, 2011

How to Help a Family in Crisis

Hi all, this blog isn't based on some study somewhere, but on my own experiences in dealing with my wife's illnesses over the past few years. She is currently going through treatments for her third battle with Hodgkin's Disease.

Since she's been diagnosed with her most current relapse, we've been flooded with requests from people asking what can they do to help. Now I can't speak for my wife, but for me I hate repeating myself. Personally, I go through the following conversation many times daily and it drives me nuts;

Person: "How's your wife?"
Me: "OK, just a little (however she is feeling at the time.)"
Person: "Well if you ever need anything, just call."
Me: "OK"

(The worst is on Sunday's when we're in church)

Now I'm sure the person's heart is in the right place, and I really do appreciate the concern, but this my friends is how not to help.


Because I'm never going to call you!!!!!

And why won't I call you ask? Beee cause...... I'm too proud (or maybe even stubborn) to admit I need the help. I'm a 40 year old man and I'm healthy so I think I can raise two kids and look after my wife when she needs looking after; I got this.

So how do you help? Here let me give you some examples;

My wife's mom took her to the city and stayed with her the entire time; that's helping. Her dad visited her at the hospital everyday, that's helping.

Her sister visited us a few nights a week, uninvited, and while she was over she would fold laundry or clean a bathroom, that's big time helping.

Her friend dropped off a pizza one night, I had no idea it was coming, that's helping.

My son's friend stopped by with his mom, and they took him out for shopping and lunch, that's helping.

Our friends who attend various churches say they are praying for her; that's helping.

My point is friends; don't wait for an invitation to help; just help. Your actions would definitely be appreciated; trust me. See ya next post.

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