Monday, March 21, 2011

Hockey Diary: Mar. 21/11

Lots to add since my last post on Mar. 11/11. I guess the best way to do it would be point form: so since Mar. 11; I've.......

-Coached two practices; a one hour on Mar. 12 and an two hour on Mar. 13 for my son's atom team.
-Ref'd 11 games. Two minor hockey games Mar. 11 and 12, and nine Native Bands Tournament games from Mar. 14-17. Very intense hockey going on there...
-Coached six games. My son's novice team had a tournament in Thunder Bay. His team finished with three wins and three loses and finished the tournament as B side runner-ups. A great fun filled weekend; the kids tried hard and had a good time, and so did the coaches!

Every year during our March break; Sioux Lookout hosts a native bands tournament where about 20 teams from communities north of us and their fans come to town. This year was my first year officiating some of the games and I've gotta tell ya, they are not like minor hockey games! Guys are pretty intense out there and despite all the rules and regulations about treating officials and each other with respect, stuff still gets said and frustrations still come out in the heat of the moment. Thank heaven for my officiating partner Frank B. He's an experienced guy and he did great at keeping control of the games. Oh, and I've got a few bumps and bruises to heal. I tripped and fell on some bad ice, twice! Hurting my tail bone and my shoulder in the process; and I took a guys clearing attempt off the jock; which made me see stars for a couple of minutes but thankfully, no further damage. He did say he was sorry.....

Minor hockey is winding down, my son's novice team is pretty much finished now that the final tournament of the year is over. My other son's atom team still has some playoff games to go, but that won't take too long either. But I do have to say the next big hockey event I'm looking forward to is my trip to Ottawa April 2/11 to watch the Senators take on the Leafs at ScotiaBank Place. The game is on HNIC!

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