Monday, January 4, 2010

Back to Reality

I'm back at work now following our whirlwind 12 day Christmas vacation. My plan was to document it here often while we were gone, but my hectic schedule didn't permit it! Anyway, for those who are interested, here's how it went.

We left for Winnipeg on December 22 and arrived at Jenn's dad's in Ille des chenes around 5 or 6pm. Jenn and I toyed with the idea of going to a movie, but instead we stayed in and called it a night early.

On the 23rd we left for Regina. Me, Jenn, and two kids in one car, Michelle, Don and the other two kids in Michelle's van. Regina is about a six hour drive from Winnipeg, but if you travel with Don, it's eight. We left around 10am and drove without incident to Brandon where we stopped at "Timmy's" for coffee and a pee.
Don likes to chat with the locals when we travel, and this stop was no exception, but thankfully he took the hint after about half an hour that we wanted to get back on the road. (The hint being we put our coats on and left.)

An hour past Brandon is Moosomin, Sk and we stopped there for lunch at a little place called the Red Barn. Excellent restaurant, stop there if you're in the neighbourhood. Then we departed for Regina, about another 2 or 3 hours drive, but this one was made longer due to a snowstorm, yay!

So, for about 2 or 2.5 hours we chugged along the transcanada highway in a blizzard. In the ditch along the way, we saw a semi, an old Ford Bronco, and a boat, yes you read correctly, a boat. Who tows a boat in a snowstorm???

Thankfully we arrived in Regina and after Don's top notch navigating we arrived at the home of Jenn's step sister Linda and her family, Shawn, Cohen, Jake and Pascal.
I was pretty happy to get there and intended on getting a little looped, but fatigue set in before I could make good on my intentions!

We stayed at Shawn and Linda's from the 23rd to the 27th and enjoyed virtually every minute of our time there. Unfortunately it was pretty cold, so we didn't go out much. However the dads did manage to take the kids to Avatar on Christmas eve. (Great movie by the way) and swimming on Boxing day. The moms managed to go shopping! The kids mostly spent their time playing with toys and video games and waited for Santa to come, while the adults ate, drank, visited, and played a few games of crib and poker. I really like spending time with Shawn, so whenever he had to leave the house, I went with. Shawn is an entertainment lawyer and during a trip to his office I got to hold some Gemini awards and I picked up a signed photo of the cast from Corner Gas, which I gave to my dad.

I was sad to leave Shawn and Linda's on the 27th as I was having a lot of fun and making a few bucks playing crib and poker! But it was time to go and off we went.

On the way back to Winnipeg we managed to touch base with Jenn's friend Penny and her husband Steven, who live on a farm just outside of Portage la Prairie, MB. We stopped in for a visit and wound up staying later than we planned, but that was ok. We visited with Penny and Steven while our kid played together with toys and vids.

From the 28th of December to New Year's day, we hung our hats at my dad's in Selkirk, MB. (Or as Andrew likes to call it, Selkrit) Jenn and I did a little shopping and took our car in for some new sway bar links at the Kia dealership. I made out really good by getting an early birthday present, a new pair of Reebok skates. Easily the most comfortable skate I have ever owned, and they pump up around your ankles for extra support.

While in Selkirk, we managed to hook up with my best friend Charlie and his family. We visited at his house before confiscating him and taking him to Avatar. Yes, we saw it again, but this time in 3D! We also saw my friend Bill's family, but not him as he was working. According to his wife Kathy, he works through Christmas and New Year's every year because he doesn't like the hustle and bustle of it all. I'll have to admit; I'm somewhat the same way, but I'm not going to work!

New Year's eve was a blast as we spent it with Penny and Steven at their farm along with another family who were visiting from Dryden. We had a great supper, some beer and wine, and played cards, but the funnest part was playing Rockband! The adults must have been at it for 2 or 3 hours, time goes by fast when you're rockin' out!
We didn't get back to my dad's until about 2am, thank heaven the kids slept in a bit the next day!

On New Year's day we visited my family at Auntie Lou's in "Selkrit" and then helped Don celebrate his 60th b-day at his home in Ill des Chenes. We stayed the night there and left for home on the 2nd. Overall a great Christmas, but I think it's safe to say we were all pretty happy to get home!

Warehouse Sale at (January 4-24)

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