Thursday, July 21, 2011

Having Trouble Sleeping...........

For about the last two weeks now, I've been having trouble getting to sleep at night. Even last Thursday, after being out on the lake all day fishing, I couldn't go down. The trouble with me is I can't fall asleep because I can't shut off my f'ing head! The good thing is, it doesn't last. In a few days I'll be able to sleep fine for a few weeks and then the problems come back. No matter what, the pattern always stays the same.

Right now it's particularly bad because I've got A LOT on my mind. Jennifer is in Winnipeg for the next three months getting a stem cell transplant in what we hope is her final battle with cancer. Next weekend, my band is playing two gigs, one friday and one saturday, totally different sets, we are not playing the same song twice. So I've been practicing a lot, but the trouble here is at night when I try and go to sleep, I have about 30 songs running through my head and I can't shut them off.

Last night I Googled "how to shut off your head and get to sleep" and one of the recommendations was journaling just before you go to bed, it's supposed to unclutter your mind and help you relax. So that's what I'm doing now. If it helps, then maybe there will be a new entry every night! It's said you should just jot down how your day went so here goes....

I was actually up by 7:15am this morning and dropped off Cameron and got to work just 10 minutes late this time. I didn't stop for coffee because I didn't fell like it. I know, I'm as shocked as you! Work was work, whatever. Today I remembered I had 1.5 hours of OT to take, so I tied that on with my lunch hour and came home and cut the grass. I did a quick, shitty job but it's done and that was a big deal for me to finish it. Then I picked up Cameron and Nicholas at camp and took them to Knobby's for supper. Nic wanted the Texas Ribs which was 20.00 and came with soup, salad and choice of potato (Nic is a fussy eater) Thankfully, they didn't serve "entres" until 5pm, so he had to settle for chicken fingers and that was fine with me! Cameron had pizza pops and I had a hamburger, it was good.

I brought the boys home and they played downstairs while I tried to have a nap. But Bob and Nat, Nic's parents came to pick him up at 5pm; I guess they didn't get my email that I wanted them to come around 6:30. So no nap. Nic wanted to stay longer and I had a band practice at 7 so we agreed to keep him at our house, then I'd take both of them to Bob and Nat's at 6:30.

At 6:30 I took the boys to Bob and Nat's and then headed off to band practice. It was just for an hour, but we plowed through about six songs and really polished them. I have to admit we are sounding really tight, and as a musician, that's a good feeling. Plus Ryan, our drummer, and PA owner, bought a new sound board and we sound great through that thing! I'm really excited about next weekend's gigs. Should be a lot of people out to see us, and we're playing really well.

After BP, I picked up Cameron and we came home to watch Dispicable Me before going to bed. Cameron's been going to day camp all week, so at bedtime he falls asleep almost instantly; I'm so jealous of that kid.

Tomorrow will be an interesting day as after work, I am picking up Cameron from day camp, the Andrew from Camp of the Woods, which is a half hour drive up the highway, then we are carrying on to Winnipeg to visit Jennifer for the weekend.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011